Friday, August 7, 2009

How to approach problem solving in chemistry

Problem-solving is the most important core skill in chemistry, it is what chemistry is all about. Here are the five-step general problem-solving process: Step 1: Identify What is Given Separate the problem into the facts, conditions and assumptions. List them symbolically as familiar chemical terms and formulas. Step 2: Clarify What is Being Asked Understand what is asked and if unclear, try to rephrase the question in terms that you know. Step 3: Select a Strategy Choose an appropriate method to solve the problem. These strategies include trial-and-error search, deduction, working backward and the knowledge-based method. The goal is to establish a path to get to what is being asked from what is given. Step 4: Solve Apply the skills and mathematical expressions needed to carry out the strategy chosen. Step 5: Review Examine the reasonableness of the solution, and correctness of the units, significant figures and order of magnitude. Fix the possible errors and re-evaluate the approach. Tip of the Day: Solve chemistry problems systematically using the strategic 5-step process.

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